Here is my base build called Outpost Sanctuary. Hope you guys enjoy the video. Make sure to follow my google plus profile, give this post a +1, leave a comment and subscribe to my Youtube channel for some awesome content.
This is the blog/website of ThaiFighter97 on youtube and xbox one. Make sure to subscribe for regular updates on the website and to the youtube channel for some amazing content
Featured Post
Russian KV-1 Heavy Tank Review
Here is my review video for the Russian KV-1 Heavy Tank. Hope you guys enjoy the video and make sure to follow me on here. Also if you e...

Friday, December 11, 2015
Finally Putting it Up
Base Building,
Death Claws,
Fallout 4,
Xbox One,
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
5 Tips Against Death Claws
Death claws are easily one of the scariest and toughest enemies in fallout. Here are 5 quick tips to help you stand a better chance in a fight again.
1. Fallout 4 has a heavily improved AI for the enemies so they are much smarter making it so they will try to conceal weak points if possible.
2. Death Claws are heavily armored against energy and are immune to radiation and their ballistics protection is less then the rest. Make sure to use either high damage ballistics guns or armor piercing.
3. Make sure to avoid engaging them in open combat without power armor. Without power armor they will be able to lift you up and either choke slam you, or they will shove their claws through your head almost certainly killing u immediately.
4. If you have to fight a death claw without power armor make sure to go somewhere they can't. For example I hid in a dinner when one was after me and shot at it till it ran away and then I snuck out and continued on my mission slipping away.
5. Carry cryo mines or cryo grenades if you can't afford better hardware. The reason for this is because if you get spotted by one and have to run away use one and it will slow them down to get away and hide.
With those tips you should be much more prepared when fighting death claws now. Make sure to share this post and +1 it to help get the word out to others in need. Make sure to follow me to know when my posts go up.
Death Claws,
Epic Moments,
Fallout 4,
Monday, December 7, 2015
Friday, December 4, 2015
Fallout 4 Project Update
Well I have decided that in the process of building my tower that it will no longer be called Trump Towers. There will however be a Trump Towers at a different settlement and i will build it after the current settlement I am building up is done. I have however heard starlight drive-in has a set height of 9 stories so I may do it there, but would have to take a massive time gathering the resources for it. My current project is about have done with most of my fortress built up and what will need to be built after is a local shopping center and the decorations for the settlement. You can expect to see a video sometime in the next few days. I probably will put it up Monday sense that's my next day off from work.
Base Building,
Channel Update,
coming soon,
Epic Moments,
Fallout 4,
Strategy Guide,
Xbox One,
Panzer 38(t) German LIght Tank Gameplay
Hey guys I know its been a while sense I have posted a video but I figured I would put this up while I make my tower in Fallout 4. This is me playing World of Tanks as the Panzer 38(t) German Light Tank. In this I'm acting as a distraction and using some hit and run tactics to help my team succeed. I hope you guys enjoy the video. Make sure to follow my profile to get my posts sooner and give this a plus one to help it out and share this to help out this blog.
Thursday, December 3, 2015
My project currently for fallout 4
Currently on fallout 4 I'm making a building in sanctuary hills, the name however I have already decided on. I'm only on the second story and have been told the cap is six stories so the way I was gonna design it may be a little cramped down now sense I had planned on nine stories until I found out the cap. But to give a bit of a sneak preview the name is currently Trump Towers.
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Video soon
I know I had a particular day picked out for the video but sorry I couldn't get it together. Work has been very busy lately so I haven't had time but I'm gonna try and get some stuff together. I will be making a fallout 4 page along with posting a few fallout 4 videos. I hope you guys enjoy the content when I post it. Happy scavenging!
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Video Reschedualed
Sorry guys there won't be a video till Saturday, November 28th. I'll make sure it is up by then. Hope everyone has a great day.
Friday, November 20, 2015
Friday, November 6, 2015
World of Tanks Reviews Coming Soon
Hey guys sorry I haven't been doing videos lately but there will be more reviews coming soon. I tried to upload a few days ago but it broke, so I will be uploading a few over the next few days before Fallout 4 comes out and then I will be switching over to that where I will be livestreaming that on twitch.
Friday, October 30, 2015
Assassin's Creed Syndicate Part 1
Hey guys its finally here, my opening video for assassin's creed syndicate. Hope you guys enjoy it. Make sure to like and subscribe to my channel and my website for email updates.
ACSyndicate video coming
I just put my opening video for Assassin's creed syndicate on youtube. It is currently in the middle of processing but as soon as it is complete I will post it on here for everyone to see.
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Assassin's Creed Syndicate Gameplay
Hey guys I got a video for you. Some Assassin's Creed Syndicate. Its a gameplay of me taking a templar stronghold. Hope you guys enjoy. I'm gonna get a walkthrough together for you guys. I'm gonna get a bunch of recording done and then edit and upload. The plan is to get 10 parts together before I upload for you guys which I plan on getting done in a 2 to 3 days. After this game I'll be doing Fallout 4. Make sure to follow my google+ account for regular updates. Also like and subscribe to help out the channel.
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Star Wars Battlefront Beta Dropzone Gameplay Part 1
Hey Guys got a new video for you. I hope you enjoy the video. If the series of beta footage videos do well I will get the full game when it comes out. Make sure to leave a like and subscribe to my channel on YouTube to show your support.
Friday, October 2, 2015
Battlefield Hardline Headshot/Kill Compilation Video
Here you go people. I got a video for you here. Figured I'd switch things up and instead of some walkthroughs I decide for a kill compilation video. Hope you all enjoy the video.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
2 more videos tonight
Hey guys just wanted to let you know there will be 2 more Tomb Raider videos tonight. One is currently uploading to the xbox right now and then after it is done I will put it on Youtube. I intend to finish this game with you guys and then play Battlefield Hardlines campaign. I hope you guys enjoy the videos and I'll get them up ASAP.
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition Walkthrough Part 1
Here you go guys, got a new video up, hope you enjoy. Make sure to leave a comment.
Friday, September 25, 2015
More Videos
I will finally be posting more videos soon. I have decided I will be doing a twitch stream tomorrow night at 11pm eastern time for an hr. I will be playing Battlefield Hardline Campaign. I hope to see you guys soon watching. I will post the video after to youtube and then transfer it over to here for you guys to see. Hope you all enjoy tomorrow night for those who watch. After the twitch stream the rest will be put on upload from my xbox one and then to youtube. I will try and do as much as i can on twitch before it is youtube exclusively.
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Twitch Stream (updated X2)
I have decided instead of video review I will be doing a twitch stream. I will be doing the stream at 9pm eastern standard time. I will be playing as tank destroyers only. My twitch name is ThaiFighter97.
Having trouble with the internet right now, everyone is online so its killing the speed, I'll try to come back online by 10:30pm EST
Internet is junk tonight, no stream. sorry guys
How to,
Light Tank,
Panzer 38,
Tank Destroyer,
World of Tanks,
Xbox One,
German Tank Video coming soon (updated)
Hey guys I hope everyone is doing ok today. Later on today I will be releasing another video. It'll be a german tank destroyer The Hetzer. This tank destroyer is one of my all time favorites. It should be up around 7 or 8pm eastern standard time.
Hey guys sorry I didn't release a video. There will be one tonight up in 3 hours.
Hey guys sorry I didn't release a video. There will be one tonight up in 3 hours.
Epic Moments,
How to,
Light Tank,
Strategy Guide,
Tank Destroyer,
World of Tanks,
Xbox One,
Sunday, August 2, 2015
World of Tanks T-46 Russian Light Tank Review
Hey guys I finally have it up now. I hope you guys enjoy it and find the tips I give helpful and find my opinion insightful about the tank. Make sure to leave a plus 1 to help get the video out there and comment so I know what you guys thought of it. Also subscribe for email updates and add me on google plus as another update source for when more stuff is posted.
Epic Moments,
How to,
Light Tank,
Strategy Guide,
World of Tanks,
Xbox One,
Next Review is a Russian Tank
Hey guys I just finished the next review video and the voiceover. It should be up in no more than an hour but hopefully even sooner sense I have to leave soon for work. It'll feature a Russian tank that those who have played with the KV-1 will be familiar with sense it is 2 tanks before it. I hope you guys enjoy it. It is only a little less than 4 minutes long so those of you with a busy day should be able to have a seat for it and watch.
World of Tanks Panzer 38 Light Tank Review/Gameplay
Here is my review/gameplay video of the Panzer 38 in World of Tanks on Xbox One. I hope you guys enjoy. make sure to leave a +1 and let me know what you think of the video with a comment.
Saturday, August 1, 2015
Next Video will be..... (Updated Info X2)
Hey guys, sorry its getting late, or at least where I am. The video will be up in roughly 1 hour. The video will be a review video of the Panzer 38 Light German Tank. I hope you guys enjoy it when its up.
Hey guys just an update on the video. I just finished adding the voiceover and I did an introduction with my kinect so you guys will get to see what I look like and this video will be longer than my usual review videos which were less than 5 minutes. This one will contain 4 battles I was in and lasts roughly between 16 and 17 minutes. Right now it is uploading to xbox live social feed and after I'll send it to youtube. It should be up a little after midnight Eastern Standard Time. Sorry for keeping you guys waiting.
Hey guys just letting you know the video is uploading to youtube finally. It should be on my youtube channel in about an hour. I'm going to bed soon sense its 1:30 in the morning here, but if its up before I go to sleep I'll post it on here for you guys to watch
Hey guys just letting you know the video is uploading to youtube finally. It should be on my youtube channel in about an hour. I'm going to bed soon sense its 1:30 in the morning here, but if its up before I go to sleep I'll post it on here for you guys to watch
More Videos Coming soon
Hey guys I hope everyone is doing well today. I have more videos on there way. I'm gathering clips right now and then will be a little bit tonight as I have to work in a few hours. In the mean time there are already 3 videos up that you guys can watch. Also, for those of you who are just getting going in world of tanks, be sure to check out my page Beginners Strategy Guide for World of Tanks.
Epic M7 Priest Gameplay
Here is the epic fight now. The M7 Priest gets plenty of kills and does plenty of damage. I'm sure you'll love it. Make sure to plus 1 it and leave a comment of what you thought. For more awesome content follow the blog and place me in your circle to get notified when I post more content.
Friday, July 31, 2015
Epic Footage Coming Soon
I'll be releasing some epic moments from world of tanks asap. I'm sure you guys will enjoy them. They will have multi-kill matches in them and nail bitter moments. In the middle of getting the footage right now and the whole video will be much longer than my other videos have been. The plan is at least half hour. It will be up later tonight around 9 or 10pm Eastern Time is the plan.
Thursday, July 30, 2015
World of Tanks review for the M22 Locust on Xbox One
Here you are guys, sorry about the wait but I now finally have the review video up on youtube, I hope you guys enjoy and make sure to plus 1 the post and follow me for more awesome reviews and gameplay.
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Basic Strategy for World of Tanks on Xbox One
In spite of the recent lag issues and freezing on the xbox one version of World of Tanks I have decided to write this guide to better help the new players get better at the game.
First off there are 5 types of tanks in the game that all have their strengths and weaknesses.
The first is a light tank. Light tanks are meant for scouting and hunting for artillery units. The reason for scouting is cause their detection range is much further in distance. With dealing with artillery they are usually much faster than the artillery shells firing at you. with this you can get right up next to them to tale them out sense artillery in the game have little to no armor and little health as well.
The second one is Medium Tanks. Medium Tanks are meant for assault and supporting light tanks in their scouting missions. Medium tanks have significantly more armor and stronger guns that some can even give heavy tanks trouble. They however have less turning speed than light tanks and are less maneuverable.
The third one is Heavy Tanks. Heavy Tanks have significantly thicker armor and better guns. They are great for assaults and can do massive damage. The downfall however is they are slow and turn very slowly. They can be easily outflanked in a fight so their flanks needed to be watched.
The fourth one is a Tank Destroyer. Tank destroyers have guns as strong and sometimes stronger than heavies and usually have great armor in front but is terrible at turning and the turret stays in one spot so you have to turn the whole tank to aim in a different direction. They are best used for sniping and ambushes. They are easily flanked and should take extra caution when engaging enemies in open combat.
The 5th and final is Mobile Artillery. Their guns are super powerful and can 1 shot almost all light tanks, most mediums and some heavies. The range is amazing and most fully upgraded can hit almost every spot on the map. The downfall is they are very slow and zeroing the round location takes a while depending on the power of the gun. They are also easily outflanked and have light armor so they can easily be destroyed by all tanks.
Well there you have it. I hope this helps the new players in battle. Another thing to remember is don't shoot your own players. Don't drive in front of your players. Also finally always remember that tank destroyers can be easily beaten if you ram them in their side making it so you can destroy them before they can get a shot at you.
First off there are 5 types of tanks in the game that all have their strengths and weaknesses.
The first is a light tank. Light tanks are meant for scouting and hunting for artillery units. The reason for scouting is cause their detection range is much further in distance. With dealing with artillery they are usually much faster than the artillery shells firing at you. with this you can get right up next to them to tale them out sense artillery in the game have little to no armor and little health as well.
The second one is Medium Tanks. Medium Tanks are meant for assault and supporting light tanks in their scouting missions. Medium tanks have significantly more armor and stronger guns that some can even give heavy tanks trouble. They however have less turning speed than light tanks and are less maneuverable.
The third one is Heavy Tanks. Heavy Tanks have significantly thicker armor and better guns. They are great for assaults and can do massive damage. The downfall however is they are slow and turn very slowly. They can be easily outflanked in a fight so their flanks needed to be watched.
The fourth one is a Tank Destroyer. Tank destroyers have guns as strong and sometimes stronger than heavies and usually have great armor in front but is terrible at turning and the turret stays in one spot so you have to turn the whole tank to aim in a different direction. They are best used for sniping and ambushes. They are easily flanked and should take extra caution when engaging enemies in open combat.
The 5th and final is Mobile Artillery. Their guns are super powerful and can 1 shot almost all light tanks, most mediums and some heavies. The range is amazing and most fully upgraded can hit almost every spot on the map. The downfall is they are very slow and zeroing the round location takes a while depending on the power of the gun. They are also easily outflanked and have light armor so they can easily be destroyed by all tanks.
Well there you have it. I hope this helps the new players in battle. Another thing to remember is don't shoot your own players. Don't drive in front of your players. Also finally always remember that tank destroyers can be easily beaten if you ram them in their side making it so you can destroy them before they can get a shot at you.
More Videos
There will be more review videos coming soon. I will have at least 1 more in the next few hours. The tank is an american light tank called the M22 locust which is the tank you get for the one if you pre-download like I did. I'm currently gathering footage and will post it as soon as possible.
World of Tanks H35 French Light Tank Review
Watch this video on youtube I uploaded from my Xbox One. It is my review of the tier 2 French Light Tank called the H35 Hotchkiss. I have it fully upgraded in this video.
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